A self-made creative duo with a mutual appreciation for killer insights, big ideas and a hatred for Frank Green drink bottles. 

Anthony Eid, a creative at heart, has done it all, a stint in strategy before fighting his way into the creative department. Many theories have been thrown around as to how he finally got there, some say it was his never ending blood lust for good ideas, others say he just asked. We still don’t know which one is true. Anthony’s brain never stops, when he’s not thinking about ideas, he’s working on his fragrance business.

Jenny Fang, a graduate from RMIT Advertising, was unsure of what she wanted to do with her life (like every other grad). But it didn’t take long for her to find herself in the Fresh Fries program at TBWA, which allowed her to get a taste of every role in an agency. After experiencing the joys of Excel spreadsheets and email chains she soon realised her love for the creative department and hasn’t looked back since. 

Anthony mostly writes words and Jenny mostly makes things pretty but they’ll dabble with both. Together, they have not only worked on a diverse range of clients such as AAMI, Mondelez, NAB, Vodka Cruiser, Solo, Nissan, Deakin, Lavazza, SEEK, Vanguard and Sommersby. But also awarded for being the people least at their desks at Ogilvy where they currently reside.

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LinkedIn: Anthony Jenny